Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die Referenzen der erwähnten Literatur sowie weitere Empfehlungen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge.
Literaturverweise 3. Auflage
[URL:Appelo] Appelo, Jurgen: Daily Meetings with Remote Teams (Stand-ups Don’t Work, But Daily Cafes Do), Juli 2017. (
[Beck 2004] Beck, Kent: Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Addison-Wesley Longman, 2004.
[Bowman 2021] Bowman, Sharon L.: Training from the Back of the Room!: 65 Wege, in Trainings Raum fürs Lernen zu schaffen. dpunkt.verlag, 2021.
[Cohn 2004] Cohn, Mike: User Stories Applied (For Agile Software Development). Addison-Wesley, 2004.
[Cohn 2005] Cohn, Mike: Agile Estimating and Planning. Prentice Hall International, 2005.
[URL:Conway] Conway, E. Melvin: How Do Committees invent? (
[Covey 2004] Covey, Stephen R.: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Free Press, 2004.
[Csikszentmihalyi 2008] Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008.
[DerbyLarsen 2018] Derby, Esther; Larsen, Diana: Agile Retrospektiven: Übungen und Praktiken, die die Motivation und Produktivität von Teams deutlich steigern. Vahlen, 2018.
[URL:DelegationPoker] Delegaton Poker & Delegation Board (
[URL:Deutschmann] Deutschmann, Alan: Inside the Mind of Jeff Bezos. August, 2004.(
[URL:Digitalai] 15th Annual State Of Agile Report, 2021. (
[URL:Duan a] Duan, Shane: Team Estimation Game – By Steve Bockman, Januar 2008. (
[URL:Duan b] Duan, Shane: Burn-up and Burn-down Charts, Januar 2009. (
[Edmondson 1999] Edmondson, Amy: Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams (
[Edmondson 2020] Edmondson, Amy: Die angstfreie Organisation: Wie Sie psychologische Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz für mehr Entwicklung, Lernen und Innovation schaffen. Vahlen, 2020
[URL:Fowler a] Fowler, Martin: Remote versus Co-located Work, Oktober 2015. (
[URL:Fowler b] Fowler, Martin: Using an Agile Software Process with Offshore Development, Juli 2006. (
[Gansch 2006] Gansch, Christian: Vom Solo zur Sinfonie: Was Unternehmen von Orchestern lernen können. Eichborn, 2006.
[Glasl 2020] Glasl, Friedrich: Konfliktmanagement: Ein Handbuch für Führung, Beratung und Mediation. Freies Geistesleben, 2020.
[Gloger 2008] Gloger, Boris: Scrum: Produkte zuverlässig und schnell entwickeln. Hanser Verlag, 2008.
[Greenleaf 2002] Greenleaf, Robert K.: Servant Leadership: A Journey Into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness. Paul & Co, 2002.
[URL:Hartmann Preuss] Hartmann Preuss, Deborah: Fearless Journey – the game that gets your team UnStuck. (
[Holman 2007] Holman, Peggy: The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today’s Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007.
[URL:Jeffries a] Jeffries, Ron: We Tried Baseball and It Didn’t Work, Mai 2006. (
[URL:Jeffries b] Jeffries, Ron: Essential XP: Card, Conversation, Confirmation, August 2011. (
[URL:Jeffries c] Jeffries, Ron: Story Points Revisited, Mai 2019. (
[JungwirthMiarka 2022] Jungwirth, Veronika; Miarka, Ralph: Agile Teams lösungsfokussiert coachen. dpunkt.verlag, 2022.
[Kerth 2001] Kerth, Norman L.: Project retrospectives: A handbook for team reviews. Dorset House Publishing, 2001.
[URL:King] King, James: Estimation Toolkit, Dezember 2010. (
[URL:Koontz] Koontz, David A.: Exercise: Definition of Ready & Done, Oktober 2011. (
[KoschekTrbojevic 2022] Koschek, Holger; Trbojevic, Markus: Jedes Team ist anders: Ein Praxisbuch für nachhaltige Teamentwicklung. dpunkt.verlag, 2022.
[URL:Kruse] Kruse, Ralf: Der Scrum Master als Servant Leader. Moderne Führung ohne Macht, März 2020. (
[Laloux 2016] Laloux, Frederic: Reinventing Organizations visuell: Ein illustrierter Leitfaden sinnstiftender Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Vahlen, 2016.
[URL:Larsen] Larsen, Diana: Impact and Energy, Mai 2008. (
[LarsenNies 2012] Larsen, Diana; Nies, Ainsley: Liftoff: Launching Agile Teams & Projects. Onyx Neon Press, 2012.
[URL:Lawrence] Lawrence, Richard: New Story Splitting Resource, Januar 2022. (
[LipmanowiczMcCandless 2014] Lipmanowicz;Henri McCandless, Keith: The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures: Simple Rules to Unleash A Culture of Innovation. Liberating Structures Press; 1. Edition, 2014.
[URL:Overeem] Overeem, Barry: Magic Estimation, Januar 2015. (
[URL:Patton] Patton, Jeff: The new user story backlog is a map, August 2008. (
[Pichler 2008] Pichler, Roman: Scrum – Agiles Projektmanagement erfolgreich einsetzen. dpunkt.verlag, 2008.
[Pichler 2014] Pichler, Roman: Agiles Produktmanagement mit Scrum: erfolgreich als Product Owner arbeiten. dpunkt.verlag, 2014.
[URL:Pichler] Pichler, Roman: The Product Owner on one Page, November 2010. (
[URL:Pichler a] Pichler, Roman: The Product Vision Board, Mai 2011. (
[PoppendieckPoppendieck 2003] Poppendieck, Mary; Poppendieck, Tom: Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit for Software Development Managers. Addison-Wesley Longman, 2003.
[Radatz 2018] Radatz, Sonja: Beratung ohne Ratschlag: Systemisches Coaching für Führungskräfte und BeraterInnen. Verlag Systemisches Management, 2018.
[Rasmussen 2010] Rasmussen, Jonathan: The Agile Samurai – How Agile Masters deliver great Software. The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2010.
[URL: RockGrantGrey] Rock,David; Grant, Heidi; Grey, Jacqui: Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — and That’s Why They Perform Better, September 2016 (
[Scharmer 2017] Scharmer, Claus O.: Theorie U – Von der Zukunft her führen. Carl-Auer Verlag, 2017.
[URL:Schiffer] Schiffer, Bernd: 42 Tasks for a Scrum Master’s Job, November 2011. (
[Semler 1993] Semler, Ricardo: Das Semco System: Management ohne Manager. Das neue revolutionäre Führungsmodell. Heyne, 1993.
[Senge 2006] Senge, Peter M.: The fifth discipline: The Art & Practice of Learning Organization. Crown Business, 2006.
[URL:Sims] Sims, Chris: Daily Scrum – The Fourth Question, November 2009. (
[URL:Smith] Smith, M. K.: Bruce W. Tuckman – forming, storming, norming and performing in groups, the encyclopaedia of informal education, 2005. (
[URL:Sonmez] Sonmez, John: Even Backlogs Need Grooming, September 2011. (
[URL:Sutherland a] Sutherland, Jeff: How The Agile Manifesto Came To Be, Februar 2021. (
[URL:Sutherland b] Sutherland, Jeff: Swarming: How To Instantly Boost Your Scrum Team’s Productivity, Januar 2020 (
[URL:TakeuchiNonaka] Hirotaka Takeuchi, Ikujiro Nonaka: The New New Product Development Game. Harvard Business Review, Januar 1986. (
[Torres 2021] Torres, Teresa: Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value. Product Talk LLC, 2021.
[URL:VerwijsRusso] Verwijs, Christiaan; Russo, Daniel: A Theory of Scrum Team Effectiveness, November 2021. (
[URL:Weisbart] Weisbart, Adam: Retrospective Cookies, Februar 2022. (
[URL:Wiechmann a] Wiechmann, Robert: Zeit für eine Energiewende in Ihrer Organisation, November 2021. (
[URL:Wiechmann b] Wiechmann, Robert: Ein Sprint Review mit mehreren Teams verbessern, Juli 2015. (
[URL:Wiechmann c] Wiechmann, Robert: Der Agile Scrum Master Projekt Manager, Dezember 2018. (
[WiechmannParadiek 2020] Wiechmann, Robert; Paradiek, Laura: Agile Werte leben: Mit Improvisationstheater zu mehr Selbstorganisation und Zusammenarbeit. dpunkt.verlag, 2020.
[URL: WiechmannRöpstorff] Wiechmann, Robert; Röpstorff, Sven: 10 Scrum-Irrglauben, denen Sie keinen Glauben schenken sollten, August 2017. (
[Wille 2020] Wille, Petra: Strong Product People: A Complete Guide to Developing Great Product Managers. Petra Wille | strong product people, 2020.
[Wirdemann 2017] Wirdemann, Ralf: Scrum mit User Stories. Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 3., erweiterte Edition, 2017.
[URL: Zak] Zak, Paul J.: The Neuroscience of Trust: Management behaviors that foster employee engagement, Februar 2017. (
Literaturempfehlungen 3. Auflage
Dieser Abschnitt enthält weiterführende Literatur, Blogartikel und Websites, aufgegliedert nach Kapiteln:
- Kapitel 2: Werte & Prinzipien
- Kapitel 3: Das Scrum-Team
- Kapitel 4: Die Arbeit im Scrum-Team
- Kapitel 5: Die Scrum-Events
- Kapitel 6: Remote Scrum
Kapitel 2: Werte & Prinzipien
[BrandesGemmerKoschekSchültken 2014] Brandes, Ulf; Gemmer, Pascal; Koschek, Holger; Schültken, Lydia: Management Y: Agile, Scrum, Design Thinking & Co.: So gelingt der Wandel zur attraktiven und zukunftsfähigen Organisation. Campus Verlag, 2014.
[Dweck 2012] Dweck, Carol: Mindset: How you can fulfill your potential. Constable & Robinson, 2012.
[Evans 2011] Evans, Barry: Agile Exposed. Code Green Publishing, 2011.
[Gharajedaghi 2011] Gharajedaghi, Jamshid: Systems Thinking: Managing Chaos and Complexity: A Platform for Designing Business Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
[Gulati 2010] Gulati, Ranjay: Reorganize for Resilience: Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business. Harvard Business Press, 2010.
[Hamel 2012] Hamel, Gary: What Matters Now: How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable Innovation. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
[Kaner 2007] Kaner, Sam: Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making.John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
[Kotter 1996] Kotter, John: Leading Change. Harvard Business School Press, 1996.
[Loebbert 2013] Loebbert, Michael: Professional Coaching: Konzepte, Instrumente, Anwendungsfelder. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2013.
[Martin 2011] Martin, Robert C.: Clean Coder: Verhaltensregeln für professionelle Programmierer. Addison-Wesley, 2011.
[URL:Mayer] Mayer, Tobias: Scrum: A New Way of Thinking, März 2008. (
[Mezick 2012] Mezick, Daniel: The Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager. FreeStanding Press, 2012.
[Nayer 2010] Nayer, Vineet: Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2010.
[PoppendieckPoppendieck 2009] Poppendieck, Mary; Poppendieck, Tom: Leading Lean Software Development: Results are Not the Point. Addison-Wesley Longman, 2003.
[Rother 2009] Rother, Mike: Die Kata des Weltmarktführers: Toyotas Erfolgsmethoden. Campus Verlag, 2009.
[Sheridan 2013] Sheridan, Richard: How We Built a Workplace People Love. Portfolio, 2013.
[URL:Sahota] Sahota, Michael: How to Make Your Culture Work with Agile,Kanban & Software Craftsmanship, Dezember 2011. (
[URL:Stevens] Stevens, Peter: Scrum and 5 principles of radical management, April 2012. (
Kapitel 3: Das Scrum-Team
[URL:Adkins a] Adkins, Lyssa: Handling Conflict on Agile Teams: What to Do When a Team Member Complains, Januar 2009. (
[Adkins 2010] Adkins, Lyssa: Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition. Addison-Wesley, 2010.
[Antons 2011] Antons, Klaus: Praxis der Gruppendynamik: Übungen und Techniken. Hogrefe-Verlag, 2011.
[Appelo 2010] Appelo, Jurgen: Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders. Addison-Wesley Longman, 2010.
[URL:Appelo c] Appelo, Jurgen: Top 100 Agile Books, August 2011. (
[Autry 2004] Autry, James A.: The Servant Leader: How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great Morale, and Improve Bottom-Line Performance. Crown Business, 2004.
[URL:Cagan a] Cagan, Marty: Product Management in an Agile Environment, November 2007. (
[URL:Cagan b] Cagan, Marty: Developing Strong Product Owners, März 2011. (
[CaganJones 2020] Cagan, Marty; Jones, Chris: EMPOWERED: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products. Wiley, 2020.
[Cohn 2009] Cohn, Mike: Succeeding with Agile: Software Development using Scrum. Addison-Wesley Longman, 2009.
[URL:Cohn] Cohn, Mike: Four Attributes of the Ideal Pilot Project, November 2009. (
[Collins 2001] Collins, Jim: Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t. HarperBusiness, 2001.
[Covey 1996] Covey, Stephen R.: First things first. Free Press, 1996.
[URL:CrossPhilip] Cross, Lori; Philip, Matthew R.: Are You a Whole Team? Juli 2011. (
[Csikszentmihalyi 2008] Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008.
[DeMarco 1999] DeMarco, Tom: Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams. Dorset House, 1999.
[URL:Derby a] Derby, Esther: The cost of a struggling team, März 2012. (
[Eckstein 2009] Eckstein, Jutta: Agile Softwareentwicklung mit verteilten Teams. dpunkt.verlag, 2009.
[Edding 2009] Edding, Cornelia: Handbuch – Alles über Gruppen: Theorie, Anwendung, Praxis. Beltz, 2009.
[URL:Garg] Garg, Avichal: Focus on building 10x teams, not on hiring 10x developers, Dezember 2011. ( 12/16/focus-on-building-10x-teams-not-on-hiring-10x-developers)
[Hackman 2002] Hackman, J. Richard: Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2002.
[Holman 2007] Holman, Peggy: The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today’s Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007.
[Kotter 1996] Kotter, John P.: Leading Change. Mcgraw-Hill Professional, 1996.
[Laloux 2015] Laloux, Frederic: Reinventing Organizations: Ein Leitfaden zur Gestaltung sinnstiftender Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Vahlen, 2015.
[URL:Larman] Larman, Craig: Larman’s Laws of Organizational Behavior (
[Lencioni 2002] Lencioni, Patrick M.: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
[Marquet 2013] Marquet, L. David: Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules. Portfolio Penguin, 2013.
[McGourtyDominickDemel 2008] McGourty, Jack; Dominick, Peter G.; Demel, John T.: The Team Developer: An Assessment and Skill Building Program Student Guidebook. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
[McKergowBailey 2014] McKergow, Mark; Bailey, Helen: Host – Six new Roles of Engagement. Solutions Books, 2014.
[PfleagingHermann 2020] Pfläging, Niels; Hermann, Silke: Zellstrukturdesign: Eine neue Sozialtechnologie, die unternehmerischer Wertschöpfung Flügel verleiht. Vahlen , 2020.
[Pink 2011] Pink, Daniel: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Canongate Books, 2011.
[Poppenburg 2021] Poppenburg, Mark: Wir führen anders! 24½ befreiende Impulse für Manager | Moderne Führung für wirksame Organisationsentwicklung und mehr Mitarbeitermotivation. intrinsifyVerlag, 2021.
[URL:Schiffer a] Schiffer, Bernd: 37 Tasks for a Product Owner’s Job, November 2011. (
[SkeltonPais 2019] Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow. IT Revolution Press, 2019.
[URL:Tan] Tan, Adrienne: Stakeholder Management for Product Managers, April 2010. (
[VigenschowSchneiderMeyrose 2011] Vigenschow, Uwe; Schneider, Björn; Meyrose, Ines: Soft Skills für IT-Führungskräfte und Projektleiter: Softwareentwickler führen und coachen, Hochleistungsteams aufbauen. dpunkt.verlag, 2011.
[Vollmer 2011] Vigenschow, Uwe; Schneider, Björn; Meyrose, Ines: Soft Skills für IT-Führungskräfte und Projektleiter: Softwareentwickler führen und coachen, Hochleistungsteams aufbauen. dpunkt.verlag, 2011.
[WoodwardSurdekGanis 2010] Woodward, Elizabeth; Surdek, Steffan; Ganis, Matthew: A Practical Guide to Distributed Scrum. IBM Press, 2010.
[URL:Zakas 2012] Zakas, Nicholas C.: The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy), Juni 2012. (
[ZanderStone Zander 2002] Zander, Benjamin; Stone Zander, Rosamunde: The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life: Practices in Leadership, Relationship and Passion. Penguin, 2002.
Kapitel 4: Die Arbeit im Scrum Team
[URL:Adzic] Adzic, Gojko: Facilitating Impact Mapping sessions, Mai 2021. (
[URL:Austin] Austin, Rick: It Get The Point, Story Points That Is, Juni 2011. (
[Cagan 2008] Cagan, Marty: Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love. SVPG Press, 2008.
[URL:Cagan c] Cagan, Marty: Minimum Viable Product, August 2011. (
[URL:Cohn c] Cohn, Mike: The Ideal Agile Workspace, März 2009. (
[URL:Cohn d] Cohn, Mike: A New Artifact – The Long-Term Product Backlog, Mai 2011. (
[URL:Cohn e] Cohn, Mike: Estimating non-functional requirements, Juni 2011. (
[URL:Cottmeyer] Cottmeyer, Mike: The Real Reason We Estimate, September 2011. (
[URL:Fields] Fields, Jay: User Story Estimation Techniques, Juni 2008. (
[URL:Greaves] Greaves, Karen: Release Planning with Scrum, Mai 2010. (
[URL:Griffiths a] Griffiths, Mike: Agile Estimation – Upfront Estimates, November 2007. (
[URL:Griffiths b] Griffiths, Mike: Top 10 Estimation Best Practices, Januar 2008. (
[URL:Griffiths c] Griffiths, Mike: Agile Interruptions, März 2012. (
[URL:Hazrati a] Hazrati, Vikas: Sprint Planning: Story Points Versus Hours, September 2009. (
[URL:Hazrati b] Hazrati, Vikas: Are There Better Estimation Techniques for Experienced Teams?, Oktober 2010. (
[Highsmith 2009] Highsmith, Jim: Agile Project Management – Creating Innovative Products. Addison-Wesley Longman, 2009.
[URL:Koontz a] Koontz, David: Another Info-Cooler Bites The Dust, Oktober 2011. (
[URL:Lawrence] Lawrence, Richard: Building a Useful Task Board, November 2011. (
[URL:Little] Little, Joe: Scrum and Release Planning, März 2011. (
[Martin 2007] Martin, Robert C.: Working Effectively with Legacy Code. Prentice Hall International, 2007.
[URL:McHugh a] McHugh, Sean: Dependencies In The Product Backlog, Mai 2011. (
[URL:Meier] Meier, J. D.: Day 25 – Fix Time, Flex Scope, August 2010. (
[Moore 2002] Moore, Geoffrey: Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers. HarperBusiness, 2002.
[URL:North] North, Dan: What’s In A Story? (
[URL:Panchal] Panchal, Dhaval: What is the Definition of Done (DoD) in Agile?, August 2011. (
[Patton 2012] Patton, Jeff: Agile User Experience Design (Agile Software Development). Addison-Wesley, 2012.
[Patton 2014] Patton, Jeff: User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product. O’Reilly Media, 2014.
[URL:Pichler a] Pichler, Roman: The Definition of Ready, Dezember 2010. (
[URL:Pichler b] Pichler, Roman: The Release Planning Workshop, Juli 2011. ( )
[URL:Poole] Poole, Damon: Sticking to Estimates, September 2011. (
[Rachow 2009] Rachow, Axel: Sichtbar: Die besten Visualisierungs-Tipps für Präsentation und Training. managerSeminare Verlag, 2009.
[Schwaber 2007] Schwaber, Ken: Agile Project Management with Scrum. Microsoft Press, 2007.
[URL:Simons] Simons, Kai: Story Points verständlich erklärt, Juni 2011. (
[Sinek 2011] Sinek, Simon: Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Portfolio Trade, 2011.
Kapitel 5: Die Scrum-Events
[URL:Bradley a] Bradley, Charles: Executive Summary: The Sprint Review, April 2011. (
[URL:Bradley b] Bradley, Charles: Tips for a Good Sprint Review, April 2011. (
[URL:Carroll] Carroll, Jared: Why Your Daily Standup Sucks (and how to fix it), Oktober 2011. (
[URL:Cohn f] Cohn, Mike: Gasping about the Product Backlog, März 2012. (
[URL:Derby b] Derby, Esther: Eight Reasons Retrospectives Fail, Mai 2008. (
[DirbachFlückigerLentz 2011] Dirbach, Jörg; Flückiger, Markus; Lentz, Steffen: Software entwickeln mit Verstand: Was Sie über Wissensarbeit wissen müssen, um Projekte produktiver zu machen. dpunkt.verlag, 2011.
[URL:Doomen] Doomen, Dennis: In Retrospect: About the Sprint Planning, August 2011. (
[Dräther 2014] Dräther, Rolf: Retrospektiven – kurz & gut. O’Reilly Verlag, 2014.
[Gloger 2014] Gloger, Boris: Selbstorganisation braucht Führung: Die einfachen Geheimnisse agilen Managements. Hanser Verlag, 2014.
[GrayBrownMacanufo 2010] Gray, Dave; Brown, Sunny; Macanufo, James: Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers. O’Reilly Media, 2010.
[HecknerKeller 2010] Heckner, Kathrin; Keller, Evelyne: Teamtrainings erfolgreich leiten: Fahrplan für ein dreitägiges Seminar zur Teamentwicklung und Teamführung. managerSeminare Verlag, 2010.
[Kaner 2007] Kaner, Sam: Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making.John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
[URL:Koontz b] Koontz, David: A Burndown Chart That Radiates Progress, Juni 2011. (
[URL:Mai] Mai, Jochen: Brainteaser in der Bewerbung: 60 Beispiele & Lösungen, Dezember 2021. (
[URL:McHugh b] McHugh, Sean: Limiting Work in Progress in Scrum, Juli 2011. (
[URL:Pichler e] Pichler, Roman: The Product Backlog Refinement Steps, April 2012. (
[Rachow 2009] Rachow, Axel: Sichtbar: Die besten Visualisierungs-Tipps für Präsentation und Training. managerSeminare Verlag, 2009.
[URL:Schiffer b] Schiffer, Bernd: (Slack to the rescue) What you want to do, Januar 2012. (
[Schwaber 2007] Schwaber, Ken: Agile Project Management with Scrum. Microsoft Press, 2007.
[Sibbit 2011] Sibbit, David: Visual Teams: Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, and High Performance. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[URL:Silver] Silver, Nik: Burn-up and burn-down charts, Januar 2008. (
[Stanfield 200] Stanfield, R. Brian: The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in the Workplace. New Soc Pr, 2000.
[URL:Yip] Yip, Jason: It’s Not Just Standing Up: Patterns for Daily Standup Meetings, August 2011. (
Kapitel 6: Remote Scrum
[Rothman 2019] Rothman, Johanna: From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams: Collaborate to Deliver. Practical Ink, 2007.